Friday, July 23, 2010

Jakarta, Indonesia : 25-27 June 2010

24 June 2010, the day I am officially a year older.
Thank you RJ for birthday dinner and KTV. It was nice.

The next day, Im off to Jakarta....
I vaguely remember the last time I travelled to Jakarta at the age of 5? Wow, that is really LONG time ago. This place seems so unfamiliar...

Gran Melia Hotel

Fantastic King Size Bed... unfortunately, the pillow flattens the moment I lie on it.. giving me neckache for 2 nights!

My all time favourite.. bath tub! Of course, being bath tub fanatic, I have to make full use of this. Bath Bomb + Milk Bath... woooo.....heaven.....

Grand Indonesia Mall

Indoor man-made ''water feature'' in the mall... Japanese style. Is it?

My lunch after dropping my bags at the hotel room. Errmm... cant remember the name of the restuarant (located @ Grand Indonesia Mall). The food was alright... ordered ''black soup"......taste rather weird though, but no harm trying. (I cant remember what is it called.... argh!)

Dapur Baba Restuarant


From the exterior, looks like just another restuarant along a dark street. But since its recommended, it shouldnt be that bad.

The moment I stepped in.... WOW.... not bad.
Very uniquely decorated restuarant, but its rather ''rojak'' in terms of where the ornaments come from, seems like its picked from all over the world. Chinese, Indonesian, almost everywhere....

Im seated in front of 2 portrait hanging on the wall... (no idea where they come from!) felt so uncomfortable cause ''they'' seemed to be staring at me!

Dinner was simple yet unique. A combination of simple food make the whole course unique, thats what I mean.

2nd day @ Jakarta

Huge pool, I would be too silly not to swim.
80laps x 50m... can you imagine that. It was tiring but rather ''shiok''!  A good exercise.

What should you do after such exercise? A soak in the tub....... feels like heaven!

Lunch at Pondok Laguna before heading to the airport back to Singapore.
I must say, this is the best meal of the whole trip. A table of local food... my favourite was the Crispy fried Gurame Fish.

For Jakarta, 3D2N is more than enough... nothing much to for me to do except shopping, eating, shopping, eating.... Maybe the next time I should travel out to other states like Bandung, factory outlet!!! Yay!!! Shopping!!! Again!!!
(ladies will not get tired of shopping....)

But before that... I would like to plan a trip to Bali... a place that I've been wanting to go for a long time... no chance yet :(
Got a feeling that I can go soon..... I hope!

I enjoyed myself... relaxation, soak in the tub, massage, food, shopping.... its great! Thank you!!


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